enchanted_jae May 27, 2014 19:54
challenge: 50 shades of draco, rating: pg13, length: 100 word drabble
enchanted_jae May 19, 2014 20:34
challenge: 50 shades of draco, rating: pg, content: flangst, content: established relationship, comm: slythindor100, length: 100 word drabble
enchanted_jae May 14, 2014 20:07
challenge: 50 shades of draco, rating: pg13, content: foreplay, length: 100 word drabble
enchanted_jae May 05, 2014 21:06
challenge: 50 shades of draco, rating: pg, content: established relationship, comm: dove_drabbles, length: 100 word drabble
enchanted_jae Apr 30, 2014 19:16
content: humor, challenge: 50 shades of draco, comm: hd_fluff, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, length: 100 word drabble
enchanted_jae Apr 20, 2014 22:42
challenge: 50 shades of draco, content: dialogue heavy/only, content: established relationship, rating: r, length: 100 word drabble
enchanted_jae Apr 14, 2014 19:41
content: fluff, challenge: 50 shades of draco, rating: pg, content: established relationship, comm: dove_drabbles, length: 100 word drabble
enchanted_jae Apr 08, 2014 19:25
challenge: 50 shades of draco, rating: pg, content: established relationship, comm: slythindor100, length: 100 word drabble
enchanted_jae Apr 01, 2014 21:39
challenge: 50 shades of draco, rating: pg, content: pre-slash, profession: auror(s), length: 100 word drabble
enchanted_jae Mar 25, 2014 22:21